Ben's Software

Here is a table of software that I have written over the years. This is what I could remember offhand when writing it, I am sure there are quite a few more things that have slipped my mind.

3D Landscape Renderer
6805 Cross-assembler for Amiga
AVT 1-4 - Images over radio by analog transmission
AVT 5 - Images over radio by analog transmission
ApAssist hypertext documentation system (with Pete Patterson's assistance)
Baudot driver for SC/MP
CMJ-TU device (Magnum) Images over radio by analog transmission
Cards-n-Quiz - commercial arcade game
CoComm - telecommunications
Crits - Artificial life
Crypt - Encryption
Database-driven document processing system
Database software for my Classic Audio site (in Visual Basic)
Database software for my family site (in Visual Basic)
Database software for Stormer Hobbies (in Visual Basic)
Diagnostic Cardiac Monitor - commercial software
Easy Morph with rest of design team
FM front end design "SuperTuner"
FT9600 driver for Amiga - Radio driver
Flex for Amiga - Operating System emulation
Flex for Win95 - Operating System emulation
Heathkit scope driver for Amiga - Tool driver
HTML file-tree tool
HTML text colorizing tool
IP/IM (with Barry Chalmers' assistance) - Image Processing
Image compression - image processing
Inertial tracking software for missiles - Military application
It - Commerical arcade game
Jakeboard - Handicapped empowerment for keyboard
Missle Command - non-commercial arcade replicant
Morphing - image processing
Notebook (with Pete Patterson's assistance) - PIM
Opal with rest of design team - image processing
PCLO/Boardmaster - computer aided design for PCB work
Packet Bulletin board - networking
Poker/Blackjack/Slot/Dice - commerical arcade/bar game
Quizzard - commercial arcade/bar game
Ray Tracer - image processing
Regpaint (with Barry Chalmers) - image processing
Rockball - commercial arcade game
Scheme - computer aided design
Shadows - extremely high speed 3-d shadow rendering software
Shopping cart systems in PERL (several)
Softpanel drivers - display and utility
Soroc emulation for Win95 - Terminal emulation
Sounds for Solar Fox / Satan's Hollow - commercial arcade
Spacecraft multi-computer synchronization - government
Spectral colorspace software - image processing
Talkboard - Handicapped empowerment for speech
Telerad - Tele-Radiology system
Tree-based text decomposition and recoding - compression
View-Edit - image processing
View-II - signal processing
Web board in PERL - online BBS system with formatting and etc.
WinImages F/x with rest of design team

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